About Us: The People Behind This Gaming Blog

Hello again dear readers and welcome to our welcome blog! We encourage you to read our first post if you haven’t already to learn about the history of video games which might surprise you.

In the meantime, we will use this blog post to tell you a little bit more about us and our plans for our gaming blog. Enjoy reading this post and our other posts and articles!

Who are We

Our origin story is quite predictable; we are simply a few friends who know each other from primary school and we have been playing games together ever since. We have conquered so many game titles together that we can’t even begin to list them.

What makes us really happy is that we stayed together despite a bunch of relocations that made hanging out difficult and we believe this is because gaming has always acted as the glue bringing us together.

Why We Made This Blog

We owe a lot to the Internet and online games which ensured that our friends group remains together in spite of the physical distance between us. Other people we know have shared the same story which eventually inspired us to create this blog.

Gaming has the tendency to bring people together and we see this new blogging venture as our love letter to the talented hardware and software gaming specialists without whom we as a group might have grown apart.

Another reason why we decided to make this blog is because we actually have different opinions when it comes to gaming, even when we play the same title. Rather than debate till the late hours of the night, we thought it might be cool for each one of us to write an opinion piece on a certain game and see how you, the readers, respond to it.

This is why most of our articles would be dedicated game reviews with quite the subjective perspective. We don’t pertain to be unbiased; we will tell you what we actually think and we hope you’d do the same by sharing your thoughts with us.

Additionally, we would like to help you learn more about gaming hardware which is why we will also write pieces on different gaming technology.

Thank You

Thank you so much for reading our blog post and thank you for supporting this blog!